Wednesday, 2 July 2014

10 Question-(answers)

1) What were the five stories your group chose to broadcast?
Greenford news story: Sports day cancelled.
International news story: Palestinian teenage body found in Jerusalem
London news story: UK regulator investigating whether Facebook broke data protection laws.
Sports news story: In the world cup Belgium beat USA after extra time to set up quarter final clash with Argentina.
Funny news story: Woman gives birth to her child in Birmingham, outside Primark.

2) For each story above, explain WHY you chose that particular story and not something else. Why would it interest a Greenford audience? 
Greenford news story: We chose this story because everyone is talking about it in school and yr 9's are upset because their last sports day is in school.
international news story: We chose this story because the boy was kidnapped before his death.
London news story: We chose this story because Facebook is a worldwide social website and everyone is now wondering if its safe.
Sports news story: We chose this story because the world cup is now the recent sporting event and everyone especially team supporters of USA wonder if the win of Argentina was fair.
Funny news story: We chose this story because it was a funny coincidence and it was quite fascinating to know.

3) What order did you broadcast the stories in? Why did you place the stories in that order?
We did the Greenford news first because that is the school we are at. We did our international new second because it was quite sad how there was a young boy dead.The third story we broadcasted was the Facebook investigation and we chose this as our third broadcast because Facebook is used by nearly everyone therefore people our now doubting if its safe to go on the website. As fourth we did the football news because we believe that as the world cup at the moment has so many viewers from all around the world it would'v matter to them (especially USA fans) to know if the game was fair. We placed the funny news story at last place because we decided to finish of with a smile as all the news mentioned previously were bad news therefore finishing with happy and funny news was a good end.

4) How did you make sure the script was the right length?
we made sure we had a limited amount of words for each subject.
5) How did you make sure each story was clear and easy to understand?
we made sure by spelling out the words correctly and making sure the script was right and the spellings were correct.6) How did you make sure the broadcast was professional?
We made sure by telling our presenter to clear his voice look at the camera and read the words correctly.7) What was your specific role in the group?
In the group my role was the script writer so i had to write up the scrip and make sure everything on it was correct so our presenter wouldn't mess up.8) Rate your group’s ability to work collaboratively out of 5 (1=poor, 5=excellent)
In my opinion our group worked at a 3/4 because we did mess about abit however at the end we finished first and we had plenty of time to finish off other tasks.9) How could your group have worked more effectively as a team?
We could have not messed around and gave in 100% effort however even though we messed about we did pretty well so am happy.10) Finally, what would you have done differently if you were given the opportunity to do this again?
To be honest i would not change anything i believed we worked well and one of our improvements would of been to focus more.